
For Such A Time As This

Sunday Service: 16/04/2023

Supporting Scripture: Esther 4:13-14

Title of Message: For Such A Time As This

Delivered by: Pastor Mercy


“Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king’s house, more than all the Jews. For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

We cannot always see the Hand of God in the midst of our situations, but we must learn to trust Him and allow Him to have His will performed through us so that we will not miss accomplishing our life’s purpose.


The story of Esther is one of the most well-known stories of the entire Bible. It’s a short book of only 10 chapters but it records for all descendants the faithfulness of a young Jewish girl who was born into slavery. 


King Xerxes banished his Queen Vashti from Persia and then sought a new queen among the young women in his kingdom. This is when Esther was forced to become the Queen of Persia and wife of King Xerxes I.


Esther was quite comfortable with her ordinary life and did not like the idea of being cast into the light of public life as a queen. She would rather have stayed at home and be an ordinary girl, but God had a plan for her life that she had to follow.


Does this sound familiar to any of you? Do you feel that you are being pushed, dragged, or convinced to move onto unfamiliar territory? Is there a pull at your heart to do something different? Is there a stirring in your heart that says something has to change?


The Christian walk is a faith walk! God doesn’t always reveal all His will for our lives at once. He asks us to trust Him and take a step of faith, allowing Him to guide our every step until we come to the end. Often, it is not until we have accomplished a major goal that we can look back and see that God has been leading us all along.


Some people have said to me they could not understand why God has placed them in a certain position right now. Perhaps God has placed you in a job environment, a school environment, or a family situation where we are overwhelmed by problems all around us. Perhaps He has placed you at a place where things are not working the way you think they should and you are questioning, Why am I here Lord? I’m tired and fed up.


Esther felt the same pain in her life too! She could not understand why God would allow her to be forced to marry a pagan King and be taken from her family to live in a palace where she felt more like a prisoner than a Queen.


According to the laws of Persia, she could not even go to her husband the King, without prior approval. If Esther were to attempt to walk into the presence of the King, without permission, she would instantly be killed if he didn’t want to see her.


Realize that God never allows anything into our lives by accident but that every circumstance we face is for a greater purpose than we see now.


Many times, I have heard people say, I have to find a better job. I have to find a better church. I have to find a happier life!  My friend, realize that it isn’t the job, the church, or your spouse, that determine your happiness. It is our attitude in the midst of situations that determines our happiness!


Abraham Lincoln once said, “A man is about as happy as he makes up his mind to be!” You determine your own happiness by your own attitude. Don’t allow your circumstances to steal your joy! I know life is unfair! I know life can be hard at times! But we must learn to trust God to lead and guide us to achieve victory in whatever circumstances we are in.


God may have put some of you in unpleasant job situations – let your light shine that men may see Jesus in you. You might be the only light in that dark place.  God may have placed some of you in troublesome homes with unsaved parents or unsaved spouses – live for Jesus anyway! He has promised to let all things work out to your good.


The day came when Esther’s circumstances proved to be according to God’s purpose. Because of hatred for the Jews, some of Xerxes’ counsellors had passed a decree that all the Jews in the land of Persia must be put to death.  You see, the Devil never stops trying to destroy God’s people.  He comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but he will not succeed because Jesus in us is greater than the power of the devil.


Esther came to realize that God had placed her in the palace of the King of Persia for this specific time and purpose. All the hours of loneliness, separation from family and friends, questioning why God had allowed this to happen, wondering why she was destined to carry such a heavy burden all her life, were now answered by the fact that God was going to use her to save her people and herself.


“For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place…” were the words of Mordecai to Esther.


He knew that she was afraid to speak. Who would not be under the penalty of death! Mordecai also knew that if Esther did not do her duty, God would still deliver the Jews, but Esther would suffer for being disobedient.


Obey God by stepping out and be courageous in the face of the enemy’s attack and live for God. This may not be easy, but to fail in doing so means rebellion and defeat. God’s work will still be accomplished but you will suffer great loss.  When we face difficulties, hardships, and the unfairness of life, let’s not miss God by running away. Face your fears head on! Take that leap of faith! Trust in the Lord to guide your steps and He will see you through it all!


There is nothing happening to you right now that God doesn’t know about and that He hasn’t already worked it out for your good if you trust Him!  Perhaps, like Queen Esther, you have been brought to this place in your life:


This place of loneliness,

This place of fear,

This place of uncertainty,

This place of questioning God – all for a purpose!


Esther experienced these same feelings – yet God had her in His perfect will. Her obedience overcame all her fears, doubts, and uncertainty and she became victorious.


For such a time as this – God has prepared you to use you for a greater purpose. Rise up and be counted!  Put your trust in Him. He will see you through to the end and you will be victorious!